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Purpose with a Passion

Here at Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change and growth development. We hold fast to our fundamental beliefs upon which our non-profit organization was established in 2018: to empower, enrich and enlighten the lives of those we come into contact.  We are passionate in our purpose to provide leadership training to spouses of active duty and retired military with the goal of enriching both our community, and individual lives, through the support provided, the connections made and the skills that are learned with each Seminar.

About: About Us
About: Our Team
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Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar (CLLS) was officially established February 1, 2018. CLLS is patterned after a program called, Command Team Seminar (CTS), established in 1990 by a Marine spouse stationed in El Toro, California. Her intent was to provide leadership training for Wing spouses using materials from the Army’s Commanders’ Spouses course. Initially, twelve volunteers were trained and, soon after, seminars were planned, organized and executed. 


The initial goal was to train Commanding Officer’s spouses in leadership.  However, a program for Commanders’ spouses existed in Quantico, Virginia. It was then realized that all Marine spouses could benefit from leadership education.  The target audience shifted and the name changed to Leadership Education Seminar (LES).


LES went through many iterations.  The location, goals and funding sources shifted.   Funding became an important issue, as the Marine Corps could no longer support the program.  As the program was well received and the education provided useful to spouses’ personal and professional development, the LES leaders established a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization and became self-sustaining.


Our CLLS team is excited to bring this program to Camp Lejeune, NC. Similar to the originating founders’ evolution, we established this seminar with 10 spouses determined to implement a leadership seminar for our spouses. This seminar is designed to provide leadership education to all military spouses, of all services, active duty and retired.  CLLS is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization.  We employ more than 30 volunteers to operate the seminars.  We are financially supported by very generous local businesses in the Jacksonville area. 


We are committed to helping military spouses stay anchored in leadership. Our seminars are designed to foster servant leadership through interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and inspirational speakers. Our vision is to empower military spouses to become leaders in their communities and realize their full potential. We strive to provide a safe and secure environment where military spouses can learn, grow, and build leadership skills that will last a lifetime.

Empowering all Military Spouses -Active Duty, Retired, Reserve and Gold Star, to become active Leaders in their Communities

Our Goals

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Instruct participants in leadership methods and techniques.

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Assist in the understanding of Military organizational structure and policy.


Provide skills to build and enhance leadership ability to support a command.


Provide a wide variety of knowledge, skills and abilities.

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Provide education to build cohesive relationships and teams within a unit.


What is Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar?

Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar (CLLS) is a three day seminar that offers participants methods and techniques for personal and professional leadership development.


Who can attend Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar?

CLLS is open to ALL active duty and retired military spouses.


When is Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar held?

Seminar is held twice a year in the spring and fall.  Each day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at approximately 2:00 p.m.*


Where is Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar held?

Seminar is held at The USO on Camp Lejeune.*


Do I have to attend all three days of Seminar?

To get the most out of your seminar experience we ask that you commit to attending all three days. In order to receive your participation certificate you are required to attend the entire seminar.


Is there a dress code?

Yes. Business attire is required. Please no denim.


During registration I was asked to provide a Command contact. What do I put down?

CLLS uses this information for our graduation ceremony.  Graduation invitations are sent to the Command when they have a unit spouse attending Seminar. If you do not know the Commander's email, a Deployment Readiness Coordinator/Uniformed Readiness Coordinator or Adjutant will work.


When does CLLS registration open?

Seminar seats are filled on a first come, first serve basis.  We open registration at least four weeks in advance of seminar. Registration will remain open as long as space is available.  Watch your email for a notice from our Administration Team to confirm your registration. Follow our Facebook page for updates. You can RSVP on the website to have the registration link emailed to you when it opens. 


Is my personal information protected?

Yes.  Any personal identifying information shared with CLLS is for the sole use of CLLS and will not be sold or used inappropriately.


*Subject to change as times and locations may differ


About: Text

Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar
Building 84 Holcomb Blvd.
PMB Box 225
Camp Lejeune, NC 28547

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Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar (CLLS) is not affiliated with, maintained, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by the United States Marine Corps or any of its affiliates.©2021 by Camp Lejeune Leadership Seminar. Proudly created with

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